breast cancer, breast cancer awareness

How a healthy diet helps prevent breast cancer

Breast cancer, which is caused by the rapid and abnormal growth of cells in the breast, is a complex disease in which many factors can be involved. Some factors such as age, family history, genetics and gender are not under the control of the individual. However, to prevent breast cancer, a person can control other factors such as smoking, physical activity, proper weight and diet. Some researchers believe that diet can be responsible for 30 to 40% of all cancers.

Proper diet for breast cancer

Breast cancer can start in different parts of the breast, grow in different ways, and require different types of treatment. Just as cancers respond better to certain treatments, some cancers respond better to certain foods. The following foods can generally play a role in a healthy diet and may also help prevent cancer:

-A variety of fruits and vegetables, including salads
-Fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, beans and legumes
-Low fat milk and dairy products
-Soy-based products
-Foods rich in vitamin D and other vitamins
-Spices with anti-inflammatory properties
-Plant-based foods that contain antioxidants

Suitable foods for breast cancer

Fruits and vegetables

A study of 9,1779 women found that following a plant-based diet could reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 15 percent. Fruits and vegetables, in addition to their benefits, are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids that appear to have various medical benefits.

Studies have shown that the following foods can prevent breast cancer:

Dark, green, leafy vegetables like kale and broccoli
Fruits, especially berries and peaches
Beans, legumes, fish, eggs and some meat
Researchers have linked beta-carotene, which is naturally present in vegetables such as carrots, to a reduced risk of breast cancer. Scientists speculate that this may be due to involvement in the growth of cancer cells.

Dietary fiber and antioxidants

Research on dietary fiber and its effect on breast cancer is currently inconclusive, but many studies have shown that it can help protect against the disease. Excess estrogen can cause some types of breast cancer to develop and spread. The goal of some treatments is to prevent the connection between estrogen and breast cancer cells. Having a high-fiber diet can support this process and speed up the elimination of estrogen.

Fiber supports the digestive system and regular elimination of waste. It helps the body eliminate toxins and reduces the damage they can cause. How fiber binds to estrogen in the gut may help the body prevent further estrogen uptake. These factors help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes provide fiber, but they also contain antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamins C and E.

Antioxidants can prevent many diseases by reducing the number of free radicals that are waste products that the body naturally produces. A 2013 meta-analysis found that people who ate more whole grains may have a lower risk of breast cancer.