AI Breast Self Screening

Super screening - Under Research

Why you need it and How it works?

Talos App wants to empower you to check your breast health for signs of anomaly such as cancer.

Our technology analyzes your thermal photo ( anonymously ) and gives you an instant risk score and advice on what you should do next, so that you can see a doctor in time, if needed.

Talos App helps to detect breast anomaly at an early stage when it’s most treatable and needs less expensive treatment options.

1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.

Talos App is for that helps you assess breast anomaly for the most common types of anomaly in the breast.

To performing self-screening you need a compact thermal camera to capture a photo of the breast. Images can be added to your Talos app and you receive a risk indication by our clinically validated technology within 30 seconds. We provide recommendations on the next steps to take, including whether to visit a healthcare professional.

We aim to raise awareness of breast anomalies such as cancer and provide a clinical tested AI to help individuals assess their breast health and get to the doctor in time. Talos app citation can be accessed in ResearchGate project.


Keep your breast healthy by self screening



Take a photo of breast

Take a photo of your breast with thermal camera ( you can purchase it from amazon ) follow our guideline.


Receive your risk score

Within 30 seconds, you'll receive a risk indication, detailing whether it is recommended to visit a doctor for further examination, or to check regularly for any changes.

Research & Clinical Trials

Artificial Intelligence Evidences

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AI Talos: A case study of AI-Powered software for breast cancer screening through thermography using 95 patients thermal images

This necessitates a study of relevant previous, current, and necessary future research on thermal imaging and DL for breast cancer detection should be considered of paramount importance. Potential research could be directed and focused on the substantial outstanding issues identified in this study. In this study, we review current progress in breast cancer detection using DL and thermography as a non-invasive approach with AI Talos AI-Powered software. Read More

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Artificial Intelligence As A Diagnostic Tool In Breast Cancer Thermography

One of the most common diseases that play a leading role in the death of women is breast cancer which is very difficult for countries’ healthcare system to treat, specifically in its advanced stages.In the past, the temperature of human body was used as a health diagnostic tool. Warm blood flows in human body that produces heat. Respective changes in the temperature of the inner part of human body can be regarded as probable illnesses. Since 17th century thermometers were used as a tool to observe the temperature of the body. This procedure is known as Thermoregulation. Scientists such as George Martin and Carl Wundelich stated that temperature of the body is a scientific criteria for diagnosing diseases. The normal body temperature is between 36.3 C to 37.5 C and any degrees out of this range is viewed as a symptom of diseases.  Read More

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AI Talos Breast Cancer Detection using Thermal Imaging and Artificial Intelligence

Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among women. There are more than 18 types of breast cancer. It is estimated that over 42,170 people died of breast cancer in the year 2020 and 276,480 new cases were found. Several standard screening techniques are used for early detection of breast cancer such as Mammography and Thermography. In recent years, due to the advancements in computers, infrared cameras, and thermography devices, thermography has been able to achieve more Sensitivity and Specificity than other methods such as mammography. Read More

Team of Advisors

Extraordinary team of passionate doctors


Medical Advisor

Dr. Darius Francescatti MD

Board certified general surgeon with a practice solely limited to breast oncology.


Medical Advisor

Dr. Fatima Taghizadeh MD

GP, Researcher in Breast Cancer Screening Methods. Breast cancer survivor's mentor.


Medical Advisor

Dr. Naser Safi MD

GP, Scientist, Researcher in NBML


Culture Advisor

Ahdieh Farokhi Eng.

Passionate researcher. Culture advisor and consultant


Technical Advisor

Prof. Wellington dos Santos

Federal University of Pernambuco
Professor of the Biomedical Engineering, with research in Digital Image Processing Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems. 


Research Advisor

Prof. S.Mohammadreza Heibati

École de technologie supérieure Le génie pour l'industrie 
Montréal, Québec.

First Breast Self-Screening App


DISCLAIMER | The Talos App service is not intended to replace traditional methods of evaluating breast health level, is not a diagnosis, and is not a substitute for visits to a healthcare professional. The Talos App service is not intended for use on children. We are not providing any kind of camera and thermal camera must be purchased by the user or you can ask us to place an order for you. Talos App is not available, our estimation for launch would be 2025