Breast Cancer Self-Exam, breast health, check your breasts, How-to-do-a-self-exam, Self-Exam

How should I check my breasts?

It is necessary for all women from the age of 20 to have their breasts examined monthly so that if a disease occurs, they can diagnose it in the early stages and see a doctor. In women who are menstruating, it is better to have the examination on the day this period ends.

What is the meaning of breast examination at home?

A breast exam at home is a way to check for breast changes, such as a lump or bulge, that you do yourself. To do this, you must examine both breasts. If you notice anything unusual, you should talk to your doctor. In many cases, these changes are not cancerous in the breast, but you should inform your doctor anyway.

Step One

Stand in front of the mirror and put your hands on your waist and pay attention to the shape, color and size of your breasts in the mirror, and if you see a dent or protrusion or a change in color or consistency in the skin of this severe area, see a doctor. See your doctor if your nipple changes or sags.

Step Two

Stand in front of the mirror and raise your hands and re-examine the items mentioned above.

Step Three

While standing in front of the mirror, wash your nipple and check for discharge. The nipple may be discharged or have a milky or yellowish or colorless discharge. See a doctor if there is a bloody discharge.

Step Four

Lie on the floor or bed. Examine your left breast first with your right hand and then your right breast with your left hand. To examine the middle three fingers of each hand, and do the examination with the fingertips and examine the whole breast. To do this, it is better to start once by touching the surface of the nipple and examine the whole breast with circular movements from the center to the periphery, and then do the same with a deep touch.

Step Five

Perform the examination procedure in the fourth step while standing. It is best to do this under a shower and use shampoo or soap to facilitate the examination.